Todo, salvo fusilarlos

La escena ocurre en Tuscaloosa, Alabama, a mediados de 2011. La cámara recoge la vida de la familia Amaro: Ismael y Judith, que inmigraron hacia el año 2000, y sus tres pequeñas hijas, nacidas...

Mexicano pasa de indocumentado a neurocirujano (inglés)

From undocumented immigrant, to migrant worker to brain surgeon. That’s the story of one of the country’s top neurosurgeons and the chair of Neurological Surgery at the Mayo Clinic. Doctor Q, or Alfredo Quiñones Hinojosa,...

Negocios de San Diego se unen en solidaridad con el «Día sin inmigrantes» (inglés)

A number of San Diego businesses closed up shop on Thursday in solidarity with the nationwide “Day Without Immigrants” protests. In North Park, a chiropractor’s office was noticeably shuttered, as was a café. But compared to...

Hoy en San Diego, Jacob Hana, investigador palestino del Instituto Weizmann presenta “Reprogramando células...

The American Committee for the Weizmann Institute of Science and Jaye Galicot are privileged to host. Dr. Jacob (Yaqub) Hanna Department of Molecular Genetics Weizmann Institute of Science Dr. Jacob Hanna’s research could change medicine as we know...

San Diego Comic Fest, un mini Comic-Con de cuatro días, que comienza el...

ke Towry’s goal is to make San Diego Comic Fest hugely successful without making it huge. The fifth annual fest opens at 6 p.m. Friday and runs through Monday. Like its four predecessors, the 2017...

El Centro de Entrenamiento para Atletas Elite de Chula Vista opera bajo Nueva...

El Centro de Entrenamiento para Atletas Elite de Chula Vista (CVTC) inició el 2017 bajo nuevos dueños y administración. Desde el 1 de enero, el Comité Olímpico de los Estados Unidos transfirió la propiedad...

San Diego lucha contra la prohibición de que refugiados entren a EEUU (inglés)

Thee San Diego City Council voted Tuesday to join the legal battle against President Donald Trump’s executive order prohibiting refugees from seven Muslim-majority countries from entering the U.S. The order was blocked temporarily last week...

Científicos de San Diego desarrollan molécula que bloquea el crecimiento del cáncer (inglés)

San Diego medical researchers announced Wednesday that they've developed a molecule that can impact multiple cancer targets at once, which could lead to a new class of drugs. The report, published in Proceedings of the...

Profesor de San Diego asegura que las Ciudades Santuario son más seguras y económicamente...

Amid the debate over President Trump’s executive action on so-called sanctuary policies, a new analysis finds sanctuary counties are generally safer and economically stronger than non-sanctuary counties. In the report by UC San Diego associate...

¿Cambiará San Diego el futbol americano por el soccer? (inglés)

A $200 million soccer stadium as part of a $1 billion redevelopment of the Qualcomm Stadium property in Mission Valley was proposed Monday with a citizens ballot initiative drive as the vehicle to bring...