PITCH Bootcamp
In partnership with Tijuana Innovadora, the School of Business is offering an exclusive PITCH Bootcamp at the University of San Diego for budding entrepreneurs from both the Baja and San Diego communities.
Tell us about your business idea and enter to participate. Refine your business idea and practice selling it to potential investors and partners with USD experts. The bootcamp will cover lean venture model design and perfecting your pitch. Top projects will have the opportunity to showcase and exhibit their venture at Tijuana Innovadora 2016. Once you go through the bootcamp, you will also have the opportunity to compete in the University of San Diego annual V2 Pitch Competition for seed funding and in-kind prizes.
PITCH Bootcamp
Friday, October 28, 2016
9:00 to 1:00 p.m.
Hahn School of Nursing and Health Science, 106