The U.S.-Mexico Border Philanthropy Partnership (BPP) is excited to share our story, as we continue to expand our impact along and across the 10 Border State region.  BPP supports a network of nearly 300 organizations from academia, business and corporate partners, government agencies, nonprofit organizations, and foundations that build prosperity through leadership, collaboration, and philanthropy in the U.S.-Mexico Border region.  BPP is the only binational group along and across the 2,000 mile border that unites a vibrant network of national, regional, and local leaders and organizations who are making a difference on both sides of the U.S.-Mexico Border.

Since 2008, among many other accomplishments, our volunteer board of directors and staff have successfully:

  • provided education and training on nonprofit best practices to more than8,500 nonprofit volunteer board and staff leaders across the region;
  • provided organizational coaching to over 120 organizations in English and Spanish;
  • granted over US$150,000 in technical assistance resources to nonprofit organizations and community foundations;
  • legally transferred over US$1.2 million in fiscal agency services in support of child services, health, environment, public policy advocacy, and recreation;
  • created to provide more than 100 Spanish language tools and resources for nonprofit organizations in the Borderlands that to date has received more than 458,000 visits; and
  • organized over 40 binational convenings from San Diego/Tijuana to Brownsville/Matamoros to support binational dialogue on critical issues, peer to peer learning, and networking for civil society leaders.

With your help, we can double our impact.  Today we are asking for your support.  Your generous gift of $25, $50, $100, $250, $500, $1,000 or any amount will enable us to increase our impact serving nonprofit organizations in the Borderlands.  Please donate here.

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