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Líderes de San Diego y Tijuana se reunen en la Ciuad de México


San Diego Regional Chamber of Commerce’s 13th annual Binational Delegation to Mexico City began Sunday. The delegation includes almost 90 businesses, community leaders, and government officials from San Diego and Baja.

Jerry Sanders, president and CEO of San Diego Regional Chamber and Sam Attisha, chair on the San Diego Regional Chamber Board, both delivered opening remarks at the Four Seasons Hotel in Mexico City Sunday.

The delegation aims to strengthen economic and diplomatic ties with Mexico by meeting with Mexican leaders and government officials to discuss collaborations and issues affecting the region. Some issues to be discussed are advancing border infrastructure projects and infrastructure improvements to sewage systems and funding for water treatment.

“It is increasingly important that we show our region’s ongoing support for the U.S.-Mexico relationship. Our businesses, communities, and quality of life depend on it,” Jerry Sanders, Chamber president and CEO, said in a statement. “As a binational region we face unique challenges and opportunities. We know that to get ahead, grow jobs, and be globally competitive, we must work together. It’s that perspective we plan to share with leaders in Mexico City.”

Some of the business participants include SIMNSA Health Care, San Diego Regional Airport Authority, Baja California Railroad, Sportfishing Association of California, Index Tijuana, Port of San Diego, and Viasat.

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