Científicos de San Diego desarrollan molécula que bloquea el crecimiento del cáncer (inglés)

San Diego medical researchers announced Wednesday that they've developed a molecule that can impact multiple cancer targets at once, which could lead to a new class of drugs. The report, published in Proceedings of the...

Profesor de San Diego asegura que las Ciudades Santuario son más seguras y económicamente...

Amid the debate over President Trump’s executive action on so-called sanctuary policies, a new analysis finds sanctuary counties are generally safer and economically stronger than non-sanctuary counties. In the report by UC San Diego associate...

¿Cambiará San Diego el futbol americano por el soccer? (inglés)

A $200 million soccer stadium as part of a $1 billion redevelopment of the Qualcomm Stadium property in Mission Valley was proposed Monday with a citizens ballot initiative drive as the vehicle to bring...

San Diego se compromete con la ecología: plan para reducción del consumo de energía...

City officials announced plans Monday for San Diego to join the 2030 Districts initiative, which helps owners of commercial buildings make their holdings more energy-efficient. Improving the sustainability of buildings in San Diego is a...

La ciudad de Chula Vista clausura sus 58 parques públicos como medida precautoria, por...

La Ciudad de Chula Vista confirma grandes estragos en toda la ciudad como consecuencia de la tormenta que llegó a esta región desde el pasado viernes. Los fuertes vientos y precipitación pluvial provocaron la...

Gobierno de San Diego da luz verde para probar autos autónomos en la región...

Federal transportation officials named the San Diego region one of 10 proving grounds for autonomous vehicles, making the announcement Jan. 19. Tests will be conducted in three places: the Interstate 15 express lanes, the South...

Un estimado de tres millones de personas participaron en la Marcha de las Mujeres...

At least 3 million people participated in marches across the country to protest President Trump on Saturday, according to a review of official and unofficial estimates from the nation's largest cities. Half a million people...

Compañías de mudanza de San Diego y Los Ángeles se niegan a ayudar a...

The Chargers are definitely moving from San Diego to Los Angeles. The team made that official last week when it notified the NFL of its intentions. But that might have been the easy part. Dozens...

Vuleos diarios directos a Cabos desde San Diego y otras ciudades de Estados Unidos...

San Diego travelers will be able to fly directly to Los Cabos aboard Southwest Airlines come April, the airline announced Wednesday. Southwest Airlines will start once daily nonstop flights from San Diego to Los Cabos...

Piden acelerar la aprobacion de nuevo medicamento de San Diego para distrofia muscular (inglés)

Shares of drugmaker aTyr Pharma climbed over 30 percent Wednesday following news that the San Diego firm’s drug should progress quickly through the regulatory process. ATyr’s drug, called Resolaris, was granted “fast-track” status by the...