Today California’s three largest energy companies announced a coordinated wildfire safety and awareness campaign to prepare Californians for the threat of extreme weather and power outages during times of increased wildfire danger.

The statewide Power of Being Prepared campaign is being led jointly by San Diego Gas &
Electric (SDG&E), Southern California Edison (SCE) and Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E), at the direction of the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC).

The multimedia and multilingual campaign includes radio ads, preparedness resources and a new website, It is a call to action for all Californians to take important steps to get ready before the 2019 wildfire season, such as creating a thorough emergency plan and updating their contact information with their energy company.

According to a recent report released by Governor Gavin Newsom’s Strike Force addressing
wildfire issues, “More than 25 million acres of California wildlands are classified as under very high or extreme fire threat. Approximately 25 percent of the state’s population – 11 million people – lives in that high-risk area.”

“Wildfires are a real and growing threat in California,” said Denise Everhart, Pacific Division
Disaster Executive of the American Red Cross. “Now more than ever it is critical that
Californians be ready for the unexpected and prepare their emergency kits, download the Red Cross Emergency App, outline a family plan and practice safety drills before the need arises. Education, awareness and preparedness can make a difference in keeping families safe and saving lives.”

Public Safety Power Shutoff
Energy companies turn off power to fire prone areas during extreme weather events as a safety precaution. This is known as a Public Safety Power Shutoff. While Public Safety Power Shutoffs are more likely to occur in high fire-risk areas, all Californians could be impacted by emergency events and need to be prepared with a plan and an emergency kit. The Power of Being Prepared campaign provides customers with specific steps they can take to be ready should there be an extended power outage that lasts multiple days.

What to Expect
The decision and action to turn off power is made by each energy company and is based on a combination of factors. These include high winds (including Red Flag Warnings declared by the National Weather Service), low humidity, dry vegetation and conditions on the ground. Power outages could last multiple days, depending on the severity of weather conditions and other factors, so it is important for everyone to have an emergency plan in place.

Energy companies will aim to send early warning notifications via phone calls, text alerts, emails and other means before turning off power. SDG&E, SCE and PG&E are all working with customers to ensure they have updated contact information on file and are able to reach customers before, during and after a Public Safety Power Shutoff event. Energy companies will also use websites and social media channels to share information and provide regular updates to local news and radio outlets.

Safety Tips
Here are some steps Californians can take to help prepare for extreme weather and Public
Safety Power Shutoff events:
• Update contact information with energy companies to sign up for important outage
o SDG&E customers:
o SCE customers:
o PG&E customers:
• Identify backup charging methods for phones and keep hard copies of emergency
• Plan for any medical needs like medications that need to be refrigerated or devices that
require power
• Plan for the needs of pets and livestock
• Build or restock emergency kits with flashlights, fresh batteries, first aid supplies and
• Designate an emergency meeting location
• Know how to manually open garage doors
• Ensure any backup generators are ready to safely operate
• Identify the unique needs of your family and loved ones in the area for your
emergency plan

Learn More
For more information about The Power of Being Prepared, and additional steps customers can take to prepare for wildfire season and Public Safety Power Shutoffs, visit

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