Besides first necessity items (canned food, milk powder, sugar, instant coffee, personal hygiene articles, blankets, toilet paper, dog food, etc.), please note that the following emergency supplies and equipment are a priority for the victims of the earthquake:
  • Large tents (for several people);
  • Mobile Environmental friendly toilets and kitchenettes;
  • Mobile Power Plants;
  • Water Purifiers;
  • Suede gloves
  • Camp beds
  • Baby formula
  • Disposable plates, cups and cutlery
Please find below the collection centers that the Mexican Government has established in the state of Baja California:
The Mexican Consulate is also aware of community efforts that have created collection centers in the San Diego region. Those are:
Other fundraising efforts for Mexico are the following:
Other useful information:
·        Centro de Información y Asistencia a Mexicanos (CIAM) 24/7 Call center: 1-855-4636-395
International donations for Mexico are received through the Mexican Red Cross at:
  1. Access the website and follow the information to create a new account
  2. Enter the credit card information or through a PAYPAL account (the amount is in Mexican Pesos MXN) and then select the cause: “SISMO 19/09/17
  3. Website confirms that the transaction was successful and issues a receipt.
Cruz Roja Mexicana Account. BANCOMER: 0404040406 CLABE: 012180004040404062, to: CRUZ ROJA MEXICANA I.A.P.
For information regarding US nationals that were in Mexico at the time of the earthquake, please call:
  1. Phone number: 202.501.4444
  2. Toll free number 1.888.407.47.47
  3. Website:
If you have questions, please contact the Community Affairs Department at: 619-308-9933, 619-308-9911 or 619-308-9925 or THANK YOU FOR YOUR INTEREST IN HELPING MEXICO!!!

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