The sixth of eight tanker ships being built at General Dynamics NASSCO will be launched Saturday, the San Diego-based shipyard announced Monday.

The 610-foot Constitution will be able to transport up to 330,000 barrels of petroleum. The 50,000-ton ship can be converted to run on liquefied natural gas, according to NASSCO.

The launch ceremony, scheduled to begin at 4:45 p.m. and open to the public, will include hundreds of shipbuilders and their families, the San Diego Children’s Choir singing the national anthem and complimentary ice cream sandwiches.

The ship’s sponsor, Cristin Thorogood — wife of Dan Thorogood, Seacor Ocean Transport president — will conduct the traditional champagne bottle break over the ship’s hull.

Sandi Dunkel, a NASSCO employee for nearly 25 years, will pull the trigger to release the ship into the San Diego Bay.

For safety reasons, members of the public who attend are asked to wear long pants, a shirt or blouse with sleeves, and flat, hard sole, closed-toe shoes. No shorts, capri pants, skirts, tank tops, open-toed shoes, high heels or sandals are permitted.



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