For the past few years, Art in the Industry has been charged with bringing art and culture to the workplace. The idea behind this Tijuana Innovadora initiative is to add a touch of beauty to the workplace by having quality paintings on site and motivating the worker, while improving the business clime and productivity.

In 2014, Becton Dickinson (formerly CareFusion) was among the first companies to adopt the itinerant collection comprised of pieces by local, nationally and internationally renowned plastic artists and photographers. They hosted several pieces by Maestro Raul Anguiano.

The average exhibit stays on site for 50 days, unless the host company requests additional time. Hopefully you can adopt one of their collections.

Please stop by their exhibit area to take a peek at some of these pieces. Staff will be onsite to answer any questions.


Event will take place April 6, for more information: Mexport 



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